
While Making Plans Levon is more Like a Hippie: Arianne Caoili

Interview with Arianne Caoili of Philippines, wife of Grandmaster Levon Aronian.

On account of new reality and tendencies, economist, Women’s International Master Arianne Caoili recently founded “Traveller” social fund. “168 Hours” has already reflected to purposes and to-dos of the fund. Purpose of the fund is assisting and leading young reporters, as well as contributing to their engagement with printed press. However, this time topic of the talk with Arianne Caoili was not only the newly established fund, but also secret to the success of family happiness of two chess players—Levon and Arianne.

Let’s start from “Traveler” fund. What news do you have in this direction? Are there any donors and at which phase the program will invite prominent reporters to Yerevan?

We have just started our activity. Currently we’re concluding our short-term purposes and clear programs. This is a rather big and ambitious project. However, I should mention that there are certain agreements and different negotiations.


You are often introduced as “our daughter-in-law.” How is Levon Aronian introduced in your country?

Levon is a legendary chess player. He is loved in the whole world, and I’m proud of him. You won’t believe, but wherever we go, at any corner of the world—Singapore, Australia, Cambodia, or an American town, always an Armenian or a chess amateur will be found, who will approach and welcome him.


You say that you are familiarized with our history and culture. As one observing from the side, in your opinion, which mistakes do we, Armenians, often make and get into trouble?

I think out of historical circumstances Armenians love to be unpredictable. History showed that unpredictability has always been a mighty weapon against organized and privileged enemy. And that very unpredictability of Armenians frequently saved them. That’s why Armenians work so well only in small teams. In that case they may be unpredictable and don’t have to take the risk of trusting the many. However, here a negative point is existent as well. Armenians don’t often work well in teams, and don’t love to take responsibility. Armenians don’t like big, organized structures. I don’t say, that it’s wrong. It’s simply behavior, which has both positive and negative sides.

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You mentioned in one of your interviews that you didn’t even try to play chess with Levon…In which other issue you didn’t attempt to “compete” with Levon, clearly realizing that you’ll lose?

Levon and I, we compete a lot. We’re not afraid of making mistakes. We believe and always repeat, that fear from failures is weakness of losers. “I” and pride are enemies to us. It’ll be better make mistakes and learn lessons. And as we love to learn something new, naturally, we also love to compete. We don’t do it to compete, we do it to try our potential in different fields. Even in Monopoly and tennis we enjoy antagonism. To try ourselves we’ll play any game, both physical and intellectual. Of course, healthy humor always accompanies us.


It’s said chess studies a person to think a few steps forward. In the family of chess players who properly calculates the steps and “wins”?

We’re both winners, as we have been defeated more. As I already mentioned, making mistakes is of utmost importance. We make mistakes every day and observe our mistakes as a possibility to learn something new. We’re not afraid to speak of our mistakes. As chess players, we have strategic mentality, however, I’d say while making plans Levon is more like a hippie. He accepts things as they are. I’m more scrupulous and pay attention to every detail.


Do you agree with the cliché, that woman’s mood, slightly said, is far from the logic?

I don’t like such expressions. I consider expressing this way is not only illogical, but also offensive for a woman. Physically women are weaker. It’s only a fact. However, from the perspective of mental capabilities, women can compete with men. I’m tired of repeating this. Girls and boys initially have been gifted with mental abilities. It’s the society that teaches little girls to play only with dolls, only learn linguistics and dance. It’s a pity. If I have a girl, and she would like to study physics or architecture, let her do it. I won’t stop her for the simple reason that it’s not acceptable by the society.

There is a phenomenon of “woman’s logic.” Logic is logic. I know adult men, who don’t think logically, giving way to senses and not being able to logically ground their arguments. I also know such women. When a woman does something illogical, we call it “woman’s logic.” Do we call the same behavior among men as “men’s logic”? Logic doesn’t recognize sex.

Which feature of Levon makes you nervous most and which one do you appreciate?

I appreciate his kindness most and the ability to forgive. He lovesARiana-Aronyan-2 people, easily forgives and attempts to always see good in people. However, at the same time, that very feature makes me nervous, as many attempt to use him, abusing his trust.


Don’t you get nervous, that people ask more about Levon when talking to you?

I understand that people love Levon. I’m proud that so many people are interested in him. But it makes me nervous a bit, as I have my own carrier, my achievements and victories. Of course, we’re a team, and together we have reached a lot, however, there are some things, which are my personal, for which I’m responsible.

And the last question, which is existent in all families. When you’ll have news?

Hopefully, next year we’ll officially register our relations and the firstborn won’t make you wait.

By Kristine Martirosyan


