
No useful program has been rejected due to absence of money after Pashinyan’s election as PM

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says while spending money on any program the important is to ask what the state and the people will receive for that.

During his today’s remarks at the National Academy of Sciences Pashinyan said there are many talks on the absence of money, but the problem is in other platform.

According to him, the military-industrial complex is among those fields which puts concrete tasks before science, but according to the latest statistical data, the budget for the scientific-research part of the military-industrial complex has been underfulfilled.

“In other words, the state puts a concrete task before science, provides finance and it turns out that science doesn’t solve this issue at least within a proper time and doesn’t receive that funding. This is a concrete example when the talk is absolutely not about the absence of money. Money exists, has been provided, but is not spent because it turns out that we face a problem of professional potential and numerous other problems”, Pashinyan said.

He noted that since his election as PM of Armenia in May 2018 there hasn’t been a case that any program is rejected for absence of money.

“If it turns out that Armenia needs any program, money will be found. Our work, including in the science field, should be aimed at solving concrete practical issues, which not only spend, but also bring money if not in the short-run but in the long-run”, the PM said.


