
Will Germany Recognize the Armenian Genocide?

“Our organization has sent a letter to German president Joachim Gauck, who represents Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU/CSU), and who formerly prevented adoption of the resolution, and his office informed that Genocide and issues relating the genocides of other Christian nations will be covered in the agenda of the Bundestag. In the letter, addressed to us, they expressed hope, that the bill will be adopted, as such a resolution exists.

If you remember, the Alliance ’90/The Greens (Die Grünen) submitted a petition in February, that the draft bill was included in the agenda, however, they were told to temporarily take it back, as in that period negotiations over the issue with Turkish refugees were underway, accordingly, discussion of the issue wasn’t proper in that moment, and they promised to develop a draft bill and jointly pass it. Presently, the deadline is June 2,” Zhirayr Kocharyan, member of the working group on the Armenian Genocide recognition in Germany, told

“I hardly believe the draft bill will be passed. How Erdoğan will adopt it, and what will happen to those refugees? These are questions I give to myself with dozens of years of experience regarding this issue. Although it’ll be a great event, as recognition of the Armenian Genocide would sober Turkey to finally restrain the wrong way it has taken.”

Complete interview will be available in today’s publication of “168 Hours” newspaper.


