
‘Unstable situation can’t bring any benefit’ – Acting Prime Minister of Armenia calls for maximum soberness

Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Karen Karapetyan says the most reasonable solution for the domestic situation of the country is a discussion of the situation in the framework of the constitution and law by political parties.

Speaking at a press briefing on Wednesday, the acting PM reminded his April 24 statement when he addressed the President suggesting to organize a meeting at his preferred format with representatives of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary political forces.

“Moreover, we mentioned that there is no closed agenda whatsoever. Right up to snap elections, if political forces agree,” he reminded.

Addressing reporters as the most active civil layer having extremely big impact on the society, citizens, the acting PM urged to make calls for tolerance.

“We haven’t put any restriction in the political agenda today and we will not. Therefore, I believe that the most reasonable solution is for political parties to sit down and discuss the situation within the constitution and law. If they decide that there is a need for snap elections, decide the time periods which they want in order to prepare and everyone to be in equal [gameplay] conditions, we will then advance according to it,” Karapetyan said.

He stressed that by continuing this way many economic problems will take place, problems related to investors, tourist flow.

“An unstable situation cannot bring benefit to our country, this is why I once again ask all our citizens – grandparents, parents, children, students – think maximally sober as to what we want. I appreciate and respect the opinions and dissatisfaction of our citizens. According to his, we have already made a relevant response, points have been met, we are announcing a civil agenda, we are announcing that political forces will sit down and speak. Let political forces sit down and agree, let none of us pressure one another,” Karapetyan said.

He said that he is always maintaining his hand on the pulse and sees to what extent tourism and interests of businessmen are falling.

“We will reach a point where elevating this economic situation will be very difficult. I don’t know if you remember or not, we had 10,6% economic growth in the first three months, there is good tendency. We very well realize that a big part of our society doesn’t feel this [growth] on themselves yet. But we must also understand that there is no other option. All of this must come to a point after which citizens will feel it,” he said


