In the name of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, and the sovereignty of the republic enshrined in the Constitution, we make the following statement:
Serzh Sargsyan is an illegitimate president, who has come to power outside of the democratic process, and as such, lacks the mandate to represent the will of the Armenian people. His September 3rd 2013 announcement that Armenia would be joining the Customs Union and participating in the creation of the Eurasian Union was an act of national treason, which has put the country’s sovereignty and independence in danger. Since Serzh Sargsyan lacked the popular consent of the people, as well as the explicit consent of the RA Government and National Assembly, his decision in Moscow was nothing more than a personal opinion, not a national decision.
If Armenia joins the Customs Union and Eurasian Union, our country will be forced to forfeit its ability to make its own decisions, and will instead be handing over this right to a supranational entity, a move which explicitly violates the Armenian Constitution. Moreover, with this decision, Armenia will be committing itself to an increasingly tighter relationship with a totalitarian regime, with a complete disregard for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and a regressive economic system, based on exploiting natural resources.
We cannot allow the future of our and our coming generations, and our right to live a dignified life to be undermined by an illegitimate president’s unconstitutional activities.
Based on the absolute powers of the RA Constitution and the national sovereignty it enshrines and guarantees, we announce the beginning of a resistance movement.
Sovereign Armenia Initiative Group
November 25, 2013