
“I feel my life still has a long way to go…”: Fifi Rong

The name of Fifi Rong may be unfamiliar and unknown to the Armenian audience, but she is well-known artist not only in her fatherland, in China, where her songs are included in the top ten best hit parades, but also in other countries.

Fifi Rong is a singer, composer, and producer. Fifi Rong is originating from Beijing, but now she lives in London. In 2013 she released first single headlined “Over You”, after which she recorded the album “Wrong”. Now she has some albums, a dozen of songs that are unique and different. We have talked with Fifi Rong about literature. We tried to know what books she reads and what book she can offer to her audience to read. “There are quite a few books I read as I was growing up but a lot of them are in Chinese. In my early years I often read books that I resonated more in their darkness and shadows that evoke deep feelings; whereas my recent years I seek light in books that transcend them”. She also said, that she doesn’t have a particular book, “but to seek light” she recommends ‘the new earth’ and “to open your mind read ‘After disclosure'”.

Fifi Rong (7) Fifi Rong (6) Fifi Rong (4)

We wanted to know whether she prefers to watch movie, go to the theater or read book for meeting her cultural needs and provide self-development. She answered: “Movie for me is more of entertainment; book is for learning and self-development. I don’t have much cultural needs at all, my music takes up most of my time anyway. I love technologies, and I like listening to books even more, but I don’t like reading on my phone or iPad, as I prefer the warm feeling of holding a book in my hands”. asked the singer if she would like to have a book about her life and if the book is written, what she would like to emphasize.” I feel my life still has a long way to go so I wouldn’t want a book just yet, however inevitably I would like the emphasis to be on the inner evolution that will hopefully help others in some way”.

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Fifi Rong (3) Fifi Rong (2) Fifi Rong (1)

At the end we tried to ascertain whether she is familiar with the Armenian literature and what she knows about it. “No I’m not sorry… But I would definitely love to learn more about it”.

 By Razmik Martirosyan


