
Possibly an Accord May be Reached on NKR Reconciliation in the USA

The US president Barak Obama will host the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) on March 31 in Washington, among heads of countries of which presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan may be found, who, probably, will meet. If the meeting takes place, essentially, it’ll be held not only under presidency of the USA, but also against the background of initiative policy by the USA regarding NKR conflict. And according to some Western experts, it’s not excluded that Obama will have his positive role in peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict.

Note, the USA is the initiator of investment of investigations mechanisms on Armenia-Azerbaijan and Karabakh-Azerbaijan contact line. Significantly enough, these days Andrzej Kasprzyk, the Personal Representative of the Chairperson-in-Office, ambassador, on account of following religious holidays, succeeded to agree the parties to withdraw ceasefire violations, which is quite a prominent event in the history of the conflict, taking into consideration of Moscow’s zero role in it as well.

These days Azerbaijan makes attempts of rapprochement with the West, freeing political prisoners, trying to soothe relations with the West, although parallel to all these, new deals on Russia-Azerbaijan military supply, opinions are being circulated that, currently, more than ever, Moscow needs Baku, and it’s not excluded that it my “sacrifice” Armenian interests for the sake of Azerbaijan.

In an interview with Stanislav Tarasov, REX and Regnum news agencies columnist, Russian analyst, analyzing recent geo-political developments, attached attention to the circumstance that this time not Armenia, but Azerbaijan is more interested in that meeting, as the latter recently attempts to “jump from the burning train,” and not accidentally, Baku was the first to support the initiative by Kasprzyk.

According to Tarasov, Azerbaijan understands that all these “smell of kerosene,” the situation radically changes against Azerbaijan, Turkey is rolling into abyss so profoundly that Azerbaijan appeared amid Russia, Iran and sinking Turkey.

“By the way, attempts to engage Iran in the game failed, as there is serious distrust in Iran-Azerbaijan relations. Geo-political situation is too complicated for Baku and they try to somewhat get out of the situation. Turkey and Azerbaijan, which yet recently were considering they appeared in historical wind, were convinced it’s not so, and currently they are despondent and battered, scarcely maintaining their power. Presently, Americans obviously advise Turkey to remove Erdoğan, and in recent period the EU discredited Azerbaijan for tough violation of human rights.  And as the threat to eliminate Erdoğan is still existent, Aliyev wants to please the West, and Aliyev’s interests are lobbied by London.

By the way, let me mention that Russia doesn’t participate in the Summit. But are Armenia and Azerbaijan nuclear powers? It’s a performance. Upon my information Americans don’t have a clear project for settlement. The only thing, that may occur, as Azerbaijan and Armenia supported Kasprzyk’s program, probably, will agree on signing a peace agreement, however, Azerbaijan was touching upon the 1994 variant, but its agreements and the record have been signed by Baku, Stepanakert and Yerevan. And how will they sign an accord today without Stepanakert. In all issues methodological failures are available. Azerbaijan attempts to simply put new stakes,” Stanislav Tarasov said.

As per Russia’s role in the Middle East developments and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Russian analyst said that Russia entered Syria, and although it declared on withdrawal of a part of its contingent, it’s still there, and judging from everything, it will last long, and the conflict on Turkey-Syria-Iraq border, isn’t a conflict of one year.

“Pay attention to the fact that Russians refused to completely destroy the Islamic State, they said it should be imposed by Assad, the West refused, and currently five Western countries are busy with this issue, and Russia, Iran and Damascus, all these countries fight against the ISIS, however, they fail to win. But why? If you find answer to the question, you also find the answer why Azerbaijan lost Karabakh forever,” Tarasov said.

According to the latter, tactical rearrangement of Middle Eastern map is on. “All the countries close to that region won’t exist by their previous borders, it also refers Azerbaijan, in Syria they’ll also fail to maintain one state, a new territory is emerging—Kurdistan, and a question  rises here, as it’s not only Syria, Iraq and Turkey, bit also—Iran, i.e. it’s a mess, in which all are engaged,” Stanislav Tarasov said.

By Araks Martirosyan



