Active Operations from the Adversary may be Anticipated in the Period of September-October: Vova Vartanov

Tension won’t be recorded in August, instead the adversary will be active in the period of September-October. Vova Vartanov, commander of the first reconnaissance and sabotage detachment, made this anticipation in a meeting with reporters.

“In August and mid-July tension was recorded as in that period trainings of special subdivisions of Caspian Turks were over. Those military trainings were launched in the territory of Turkey and in the end of sniper courses all alumni were proving on Armenian borders that they’re specialists, and by shooting at Armenian soldiers and peaceful civilians, they were obtaining qualification. In short, I don’t anticipate anything in August, however I anticipate it in September and October,” he said.

“Turks are obtaining a good opportunity to record progress through scrabbling. It was surprising for the many throughout the April war, how Turks took positions and obtaining the possibility to further, they didn’t do that. They planned to progress through small attacks, scrabbling. This tactics they’ll attempt to use again, which, by the way, we use as well, simply, without casualties. In September, if they succeed to do that and properly analyze their success and failures, draw conclusions, they’ll show a more reasonable approach to scrabbling.”

In his words, if the weather is dry in August, operations of the adversary will be postponed until October. To the question, what the Armenian side should by knowing this do, he replied,

“I think, the command has made certain conclusion from the April war, and certain changes in the staff of the Minsitry fo Defense showed this. As a result of those changes, we’ll do some activities, maybe we’ll prepare, not to allow the Turk to advance.”

By Razmik Martirosyan

