Our Invitation is Always in Force: Turkish Ambassador to Warlick

As an OSCE Minsk Group member, our invitation is always in force. The co-chairs should inform member countries without awaiting an invitation, said Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismayil Alper Coskun, APA reports. The ambassador said that the Minsk Group co-chairs’ planned visit to Ankara scheduled for July 17 was postponed due to the military coup attempt in Turkey. According to him, Turkey will always support Azerbaijan in the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the inviolability of Azerbaijan’s borders and its territorial integrity. “Turkey is a country of this geography and closely affected by the instability in the region. As Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, we will always support the solutions that are acceptable to Azerbaijan.
Turkey stands ready to do its utmost in implementation of these solutions. Turkey expects full normalization in this region which is possible through respect for international law and Armenia’s putting an end to the occupation”, said the ambassador. Note that U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, James Warlick told APA that the Co-Chairs are prepared to travel to Ankara to meet with senior Turkish officials at any time and we are awaiting an invitation for specific dates.