
Lukashenko will get a reply, I have no doubt: Alexey Martynov

Interview with Alexey Martynov, Head of Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS (Institute), who has repeatedly appeared in the “black lists” of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry for visiting Nagono Karabakh.

Mr. Martynov, ignoring calls of Armenian and Russian Foreign Ministries, Israeli PM, Minsk, however, decided to extradite blogger Alexander Lapshin with Russian and Israeli citizenship to Azerbaijan, whose guilt is formerly visiting NK, and he was “blacklisted” by Azerbaijan. Why did Minsk ignore calls of its Eurasian partners, by making decision to support Azerbaijan’s claim? What’s your assessment to this decision?

Naturally, this may be qualified as Minsk’s demarche against Moscow. Of course, Lukashenko takes a serious risk, worsening relations with Russia, Israel and Armenia.  The issue is, as we know, last year Lukashenko paid official visit to Baku, met Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, asked him to considerably reduce price for oil, i.e. to make it cheaper than the Russian oil supplied to Belarus.

By Lapshin’s extradition Lukashenko seems to additionally interest, please Aliyev. Let’s understand also that this wasn’t the intention of Belarus, obviously this foxy plan was plotted by Azerbaijan by choosing such a multilayer history. We know that different political figures, MPs, reporters, experts, scientists, artists, travelers from different countries are involved in the “black list” of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry. Regularly more than 500 persons are being involved in the list.

I consider Lapshin was chosen by this case for two reasons. First, he has dual citizenship, in this case it’s becoming unclear and indefinite which country should assume his protection, this creates some contrast and difficulty. Second, he was incautious to live in Minsk. These two circumstances played a wicked game, as a result of which this case, by passing so many procedures, reached the phase pf extradition. Lapshin also published some materials, rather fairly, grounded, e.g. tension which broke last summer on NK conflict zone, which naturally, among Azerbaijani media outlets became a reason for serious nervousness. This was a multistep history.

In your opinion, can Lapshin’s case become a precedent? After extradition several figures, involved in the list, express fears that this may continue?

The most unpleasant point in all this is that a precedent is being established, with the help of which Azerbaijan dictates its rights to allow or not visiting Karabakh. This of course, is intended. Hopefully, blogger Lapshin’s life won’t be endangered as this case received rather wide public reflection in Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Israel, where they follow the developments on the highest level.  Upon my assessment this is deep disrespect toward the passport. I don’t know how this case will end, but the fact that Lukashenko is endangering his personal relations with the leadership of Russia, Armenia, Israel, is definite.

Undoubtedly, this gives a way to ponder. I won’t visit Minsk as long as I’ll be sure nothing threatens me, as I visited Nagorno Karabakh, participated in international conferences there, as international observer I took part in NKR presidential elections. I was involved in that list twice, so I’ll think over whether it’s worth visiting Minsk or any other place. I consider many involved in those lists today will think over before visiting Minsk, as long as there is such a situation around this issue.

You qualified Lukashenko’s decision as “demarche”. Isn’t this step a blow to Eurasian integration projects?

Many today attempt to introduce Lapshin’s case as a blow to integration projects. I don’t think. I consider, maybe even Belarus may say goodbye to Lukashenko, than anyone will refuse those integration projects developing in the post-Soviet space.

What conclusions should Moscow and Yerevan draw when partners so roughly ignore each other’s calls toward such sensitive issues?

It’s difficult to say. It’s definite that by this Lukashenko is attaching attention both from EEU and CSTO, I have no doubt he will get the reply.

By Araks Martirosyan


