
French presidential candidate Macron vows to make efforts on NK conflict settlement

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron will continue to make efforts over the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict if elected as President of France.

“France together with Russia and the United State is a Mink Group Co-Chair country. France tries to find a negotiated solution for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in accordance with international law.

It is in this context that the recognition issue [the recognition of the independence of Nagorno Karabakh] emerges. Our country must fully play its role in this issue,” Macron said in an interview with Nouvelles d’Armenie.

According to Macron, after the Paris summit on Karabakh in 2014 respective efforts were not made. He wants to again make efforts for finding such solution to the conflict by which the principles of territorial integrity and the peoples’ right to self-determination will be respected.

“The path, of course, is difcult, but we need to move forward,” he said.

The presidential election in France will be held on April 23. If no one from the candidates receives more than 50% of votes, the second round will be held on May 7.


