The Azerbaijani forces open fired in the direction of Baghanis interstate roadway in Tavush Province of Armenia on April 25 at about 17:45.
“The Defense Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh shares the grief of the loss and expresses solidarity with the family members, relatives and peer serviceman of the killed soldier,” reads the statement issued by the Defense Army.
“Each and everyone of us must vow to keep the promise, to fight the Genocide wherever it occurs in the world,” says the actor.
“We see the aspiration of the OSCE to help to settle the conflicts in Transnistria and Nagorno Karabakh, as well as the organization’s active participation in the Geneva talks on security and stability in South Caucasus.”
The Kurdish militants used IEDs in Sirnak, which resulted in two Turkish soldiers being fatally wounded. In Kars, a hidden mine exploded killing another two soldiers, and wounding three.
He mentioned is Turkey fulfils all preconditions, then the negotiations over membership will be in the agenda. Hahn said in terms of democracy in Turkey, the constitutional changes are a dangerous step back.
Police in northeastern Spain arrested nine suspected members of a jihadi group Tuesday in raids that might help resolve recent deadly attacks in Belgium and France, reports ABC News.
PACE rapporteurs Marianne Mikko and Ingebjørg Godskesen strictly criticized Turkey’s decisions in the state of emergency conditions, which has been extended for three times already after the attempted coup. They mentioned it damages the democratic institutions of Turkey.
The expert said Sinjar has become an apple of discord between Kurdistan regional government in Iraq and Kurdistan Worker’s Party, and according to him Turkey was attentively following those developments.
The EU is committed to supporting the Yemeni people and we encourage the international community to step up its collective humanitarian response. Our additional funding will help humanitarian agencies in the country that operate under extremely difficult circumstances to continue delivering lifesaving aid to those in need.