Armenia showed that civil society exists – President Armen Sarkissian’s interview to BBC

Armenia has shown an example that civil society exists and people are courageous and proud to express their opinion, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian told BBC News in an interview.
“First of all, the most important I am the guardian of the constitution , and as you have seen there are big demonstrations on the streets of Yerevan, probably you have seen them, that is the outcome of several years of problems that have been accumulated and that were not addressed or resolved, be that corruption, be that social injustice or young people that don’t see a bright future for themselves despite they are talented or have good education , many many factors and most probably absence of dialogue between the government and the people, so president is the one that has to guide everybody towards a constitutional solution of this crisis.
And I have been proud that we have several successes here, as you know there were very big demonstrations, but former president then PM Serzh Sargsyan, hearing what people are saying, he resigned on April 23, and I would like to give credit to Serzh Sargsyan for this courageous move because in other places in other times presidents were fighting for their political career up to the end. Serzh Sargsyan showed courage, heard the people and resigned, showing that this country can go towards democratic and free path”, President Sarkissian said.