Pashinyan suspends civil disobedience campaigns, says will meet all parliamentary factions April 30

Opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan has announced ceasing all civil disobedience campaigns on April 30 and holding meetings in the parliament with factions.
Speaking at the April 29 rally in Yerevan’s Republic Square, Pashinyan said that he has very important work to do in the parliament tomorrow – meeting with all parliamentary factions. He called on his supporters to suspend all civil disobedience demonstrations.
“I have very important work to do from the morning in the National Assembly. I have to meet with representatives of all parliamentary factions, in order to be able to give you information as result of these discussions that the election of your candidate is guaranteed. I will not be able to calmly work in office conditions if I know that civil disobedience campaigns are taking place in different parts of the country. We are taking a break tomorrow and we are not carrying out any civil disobedience action, in order to be able to work calmly. I am urging from this moment on to stop contacting HHK lawmakers through phone messages. According to initial agreement, tomorrow I will meet on your behalf with them, as a candidate for Prime Minister, in order to discuss our agenda entirely and make it reality,” he said.
He said he will be at the Garegin Nzhdeh Square of Yerevan at 17:00 and they will march to the Republic Square from there.
“In Republic Square, I will tell you about the results of negotiations, and together we will decide our future tasks depending on the situation. In any case, the next day, from the morning, we are gathering from all provinces in the Republic Square from 08:00.
Regarding where we will spend May 1, how we will spend the day, it depends on the political situation in the country on that day,” Pashinyan said.
He also talked about his meeting with Russian State Duma lawmakers. He said the meeting proceeded in a very warm atmosphere and they separated as friends – saying for the record that this all doesn’t anyhow threaten the Armenian-Russian friendship, on the contrary these relations will develop even more in the future.