The Union of Journalists of Armenia condemns the violence committed against the journalist and operator of Oragir.News website

Today, in support of Tavush, citizens blocked Yerevan-Tbilisi road in Dseghi section and carried out a peaceful action. The policemen in uniform as well as in civilian clothes urged the participants of the action to open the road and then use force against the citizens, including the representatives of the mass media.
The policemen hindered the work of Oragir.News website journalist and cameraman, then pushed journalist Ani Nerkaryan to the ground, the latter was injured in the leg.
The Union of Journalists of Armenia strongly condemns the impermissible acts of violence against journalists and the cases of criminally punishable acts and incidents by the authorities that hinder the journalist’s professional work.
We demand the human rights defender and all relevant structures to make the incident the subject of an investigation, and we call on the local and international organizations dealing with the situation of democracy in Armenia, human rights and freedom of speech to once again not turn a blind eye to this shameful action against the press, free speech, and the professional work of journalists.