Artsakh is Kosovo, not Quebec. Karnig Kerkonian
Human rights attorney Karnig Kerkonian delivered an address on April 22 at the Montebello Martyrs Monument during an Armenian Genocide commemoration event organized by the Los Angeles-based United Armenian Council for the Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. He said that getting the self-determination story right paves the road toward genuine security and peace in a manner consistent with the ideals and principles upon which a law-based world order should be founded.
“Getting the self-determination story wrong only opens the door to abject subjugation—policies that will exacerbate the conflict inhumanely and, quite literally, lead human beings to their slaughter.
There are no “security guarantees” or any “protected status” that can mask the lingering odor of Genocide committed, that revolting smell of Genocide left unpunished . . . and that sickening stench of Genocide pounding and pushing at the gates.
Artsakh is Kosovo, not Quebec. Understanding this, and insisting upon this, may be just enough—and just in time—to prevent another ungodly and gruesome chapter in our recent human history,”stressed Kerkonian.