
This empty and formal process not only cannot lead Armenia to any positive result, but also threatens serious economic consequences for our country and our citizens: STATEMENT


The agenda of meetings of the National Assembly of RA, starting on February 11 this year, includes a draft law “On the beginning of the process of accession of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union”, presented by a civil initiative.

The procedure for membership in ultra-state international organizations is detailed regulated by Article 205 of the RA Constitution and Article 15 of the RA Law “On International Treaties”, according to which the right to initiate the process of accession to the European Union as a ultra-state international organization belongs to the Government, while the decision to carry out the necessary referendum membership belongs to the National Assembly.

The final decision on membership is made through a referendum, during which the will of the people of the Republic of Armenia is directly expressed.
The bill is legally absurd a document because it does not comply with the requirements of the law, does not add or reduce the legislative requirements for membership in overstate international organizations.

The project is, in essence, a statement, but not a law, as it does not contain binding legal laws for any legal entity.

Moreover, the expression “Republic of Armenia, expressing the will of the people of the Republic of Armenia” contained in the draft directly contradicts Part 1, Article 205 of the Constitution, since the will of the People of the Republic of Armenian towards membership in the European Union as a supoverstate international organization can only be expressed directly through a referendum.

However, the bill presented to the National Assembly stems from the fact that the National Assembly, through the adoption of the law, may establish that by this expresses the will of the people of the Republic of Armenia to join the EU. Meanwhile, in connection with the beginning of the EU accession process, the National Assembly can express only its own will, but never – the will of the people of the Republic of Armenia.

The provision on the beginning of the accession process of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union does not contain any regulatory elements, does not oblige and cannot oblige the government to start negotiations on membership with the European Union. Such an obligation will contradict the principle of separation of powers enshrined by the Constitution of PA, since the powers to conclude or not to conclude international treaties are exclusively with the executive power, and ratification of certain types of international treaties is to the National Assembly.

Therefore, we emphasize once again that the process itself contradicts the Constitution of the country.

Thus, the presented bill in the legal sense cannot have any legal consequences in matters of membership or refusal of membership in the European Union. However, it, as a political document, may have irreversible political and economic consequences for the Republic of Armenia, given the membership of the Republic of Armenian in super-governmental organizations, in particular, in the Eurasian Economic Union. Given the statements of partner states, as well as the basic principles of international relations and international law, it becomes clear that this process jeopardizes free trade with the EAEU markets that are vital to our economy.

In its essence, this empty and formal process not only cannot lead Armenia to any positive result, but also threatens serious economic consequences for our country and our citizens.

We consider it also important to note that the “bill” can provoke negative geopolitical consequences given that in the turbulence of the modern world order it is foolish to limit the flexibility of foreign policy at the legislative level. The regime proclaiming the “crossroads of the world”, the above-mentioned initiative puts the Republic of Armenia into a geopolitical dead end.

Let us add that the Republican Party of Armenia has always taken initiatives aimed at developing close partnerships with the European Union, as evidenced by the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), signed between Armenia and the European Union in 2017 and is the founding document to this day. umentom Armenia-EU relations, which the current regime almost does not fully turn into reality.

From the above, it becomes clear that this “bill” is another populist trick of today’s administration aimed at creating unfounded expectations. On the other hand, these very rulers try to create the illusion that justice, tolerance & protection of human rights are their core values, when they are the ones who violate and destroy them.

The NS faction “I have an honor” will vote against this initiative, which contains tangible and real dangers to our country.


