Civilization selection

“The Armenian authorities are not speaking anything about the Ukrainian crisis, and the Armenian society does not know whether our government endorses the Ukrainian interim government that is supported by the entire civilized world,” said ANM party board member Ararat Zurabyan to 168 Zham.
He believes the reason is the fact that Armenia has lost sovereignty and is concerned about having its own standpoint because the Russian government may not like Armenia’s opinion. Ararat Zurabyan also explained what the European Alliance in Armenia initiated by the ANM means, “Today the situation in Armenia is the following: we have a pro-Russian government in Armenia, which serves for the Russian interests better than for Armenia’s interests. On the other hand, we have an opposition, and unfortunately a part of this opposition thinks that the process of integration with the Customs Union is irreversible, and maybe some of them even welcome that decision.
We do not share that opinion and believe that in Armenia there are individuals and I believe civic groups and parties as well that see Armenia’s future within the civilized European family where human rights and freedoms are protected. I believe this is where Armenia’s future belongs; this is a matter of civilization selection. We want to use our initiative for the purpose of strengthening this direction in Armenia.”