USSR ghost resurrected

Lately fresh breaking news popped out in the media, which didn’t have a big connection with the current geopolitical processes. One of Russia’s most renowned media outlets Itar-Tass is planning to change its name on its 110th anniversary. It is planning to not use Itar anymore, which it had attained after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Thus, one of Russia’s most famous news agencies will hence be called as it was called during the soviet era – TASS (translated – Telegraph Agency of Soviet Union). It means that this news agency will have the phrase Soviet Union in the acronym. Usually news agencies and even names are not called without the existence of institutions, which they carry. And it only happens in order to inject in the brains of people that the institution exists or will exist. It means that millions of people will be hearing and reading this acronym, which contains the words Soviet Union. In a word, Soviet Union is resurrected and in a quite speedy way. One of the main attributes of Soviet Union and Cold War is restored too – the Iron Curtain. The latter is based on information blockade. It seems that this is an obsolete idea in the current conditions and sources of media, including Internet. But the Russian network experts are taking big strides to censor Internet contents.
The evidence of that is the shutdown of a few agencies for the sake of so-called anti-patriotic ideas’ dissemination. The Russian government has a total control over the Russian intelligentsia. But USSR and its attributes are not limited in the territory of Russia only. And it’s clear that the next step will be to expand the curtain to those countries, which still have the control of Russia, which will indeed include Armenia. And it is no surprise that bill on fake Internet profiles appeared on the agenda of parliament today.
It might be the first step of making Armenia a TASS state. What do the Armenian parties and politicians worried about the future of the country do? First, they record a great progress in showing distrust to the activities of the government. Secondly, they record a better progress in banning the pension law. Of course, all this is very important. But don’t they understand that all this might vanish because soon it will be Moscow appointing oppositionists in our country and deciding the percentage of our pension law based on the devaluating Russian ruble. In Stepanakert, by the way, there was a big celebration for annexing Crimea from Ukraine.