Lawsuit Filed against Davutoglu for Insulting Armenians

Turkey’s human rights organization filed a lawsuit at Çağlayan Istanbul Palace of Justice against Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Aşkale Mayor Enver Basharan, on grounds of insulting Armenians. Reports Turkish Demokrathaber.net.
Davutoglu criticized the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party, speaking in Bingol (Byurakn) February 27, accusing them of collaboration as “the Armenian gangs collaborated with Russians.” Later, on March 3, at a conference organized in Ashkale, Basharan repeated the Prime Minister’s speech and thanked “the glorious ancestors who cleared this land, and threw out the Armenians.”
Human rights activists gathered near Istanbul’s Çağlayan before filing the lawsuit issued a statement stressing that for months the actions of the Turkish Armed Forces in Kurdish regions of the country are followed by racist measures against the Armenians. For example, armored vehicles bought with tax money are patrolling the streets and announcing: “You are all Armenians, you are all Armenian scum.”
“Genocide against Armenians was carried out, their wealth confiscated, cultural heritage of Armenians and other Christian nations systematically destroyed. As if all this was not enough, the remaining handful of Armenians are humiliated today, everything possible is done to threaten their lives. All this has and will continue to be a crime against humanity in history. Upcoming generations will remember you for this. Discrimination in the highest level of the Turkish state continues and is encouraged. But there are those who will raise their voices against this crime until the end, “the members of the organization said.