Tech University to be Established in Armenia: World Famous Instructors to Lecture

The establishment of the University of Technology in Armenia in order to meet the demand for qualified professionals in the field of information technology is the result of solid private sector-state cooperation. As “Armenpress” was informed by Deputy Minister of Economy Emil Tarasyan, it will be a completely new model of education in Armenia. “The management of the Technological University will be carried out through private sector-state cooperation. The private sector should have investments in the educational programs, in order to ensure these students will be able to have a dignified job in the future. This is a mutually beneficial and stimulating m echanism for both students who will be employed after graduation, and for the private sector, who will be motivated by the university graduate professionals ,who will provide profit to organizations”, the Deputy Minister said.
According to him, the graduates of the current educational system do not fully meet the requirements of IT firms. According to the Deputy Minister, this was repeatedly stated both by them, and the private sector. “The need for the establishment of a 3rd generation technological university was discussed at the session of the IT Support Council; as a result a working group was created by the assignment of the Prime Minister. It is headed by the Minister of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy is involved in the work, the private sector, representatives of universities, rectors, “Emil Tarasyan said, adding that with the help of international experts the general structure of the university was made.”It was decided to begin on the basis of the Polytechnic University, but with new programs and new structure,” Emil Tarasyan said. The Deputy Minister noted that the private sector is contributing to various educational programs. “In this case they will save money because it will be done jointly and with maximum results,” he added.
The University of Technology will offer both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. According to Emil Tarasyan , the Master’s degree here will be in a slightly different format. As Master’s assignments the students will be assigned to come up with innovative proposals of solving yet unsolved problems.
As for the teachers, current teaching staff of the universities will be trained and involved, as well as guest lecturers, representatives of Armenian and internationally known companies. “When discussing the university model, salary issues were also at the center of our attention. A good teacher should be paid more. We also plan to hold lectures with representatives of the major organizations that are successful in the IT industry, and by famous teachers. Training of the current teaching staff will be conducted, “Emil Tarasyan said.
In response to a question whether education in the university will be available for potential students, Emil Tarasyan assured that the fee will not be an obstacle for studying at the university. “The university has no plans to recruit a large number of students and the focus will be on the student’s knowledge. If a student with knowledge and creativity wishes to study, any assistance or benefits should be provided. In fact, the financial factor will be solved, because the university will be sponsored by large organizations. In this case we are not talking about high fees. Maybe high tuition fees will be considered in case of demand of extra seats after the expiry of preliminary seat numbers”, Emil Tarasyan said.
At present, the final phase of the formation of the model is being conducted. A telecommunications sector is being discussed to be included. “The launch, I think will not be very soon, because it is very dangerous to accelerate this process. I think that by the end of the year, the format, and specifications in terms of the involvement of organizations will be concrete, “the Deputy Minister said.