No VAT to Be Charged for Cars Imported from EEU: the NA Voted For (Live)

The draft bill on amendments to RA Law on “Value-added tax” was unanimously adopted at today’s NA session, upon which, charging for the value-added tax (VAT) is eliminated in case of importing cars from Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) space. Before the voting NA MP Hrant Bagratyan asked whether one car is regarded as customs quantity and how they’ll handle the money charged in 2015.
Vardan Ayvazyan, co-author of the law, RPA MP, replied that the questions refer change to “Customs law,” and it’s an issue of separate discussion, “By this part we don’t charge money for cars imported from EEU space.”
The draft bill was adopted with 107 for votes.
The draft bill on changes and amendments to RA Law on “Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly” was adopted unanimously as well, authors of which were Zaruhi Postanjyan, Rubik Hakobyan, Tevan Poghosyan, by which, registering or voting for another MP will be exercised to responsibility.
In RA Law on “Education” the draft bill was passed with 108 for, 0 against and 1 abstained votes.
The MPs also confirmed the agreement on implementation of a pilot project to place control (identification) tags on goods classified as “Item of clothing, clothing accessories and other items made of natural fur” in 2015-2016 signed 8 September 2015 in Grodno with 99 for, 1 against, and 1 abstained votes.
Discussion on the State Commission for Protection of Economic Competition project 2016 is currently on at the National Assembly.
By Gayane Khachatryan