Dispute at the NA: You Strapper and Bastard

At today’s question and answer in the National Assembly MP Nikol Pashinyan touched upon “another mysterious” gathering initiated by Serzh Sargsyan on September 11,during which RA president announced that as a result of fixing of speedometers, cases have decreased by 70%, and then the number of traffic violations reduced as well, however, after fixing of speedometers and cameras they have increased though: in 2015 the growth comprised 122% as compared to 2012.
N.Pashinyan mentioned that member of Parliament link this growth with number of increased cars, however, according to him growth of traffic violations is conditioned by increase of cameras and speedometers, as a result of which, traffic accidents increase as well.
N.Pahinyan noted that 50% of charging for violations goes to Security Dream Company, which is linked to the family of S.Sargsyan. The MP asked what those speedometers give.
Arpine Hovhannisyan, RA Minister of Justice, stated that 45% of cars belong to Yerevan, and in 2015 number of cars increased by 15%. She introduces a statistics, according to which in 2011, when there were no speedometers, 1016 cases have been recorded, after installation of devices, they increased a bit, however, the number of victims has decreased.
According to N.Pashinyan, global issue is, that both accidents and financial burden increase, and under those conditions what are cameras for, is there any investigation, , whether the situation would have been worse if they weren’t fixed. He attached attention to the fact that all these figures are recorded against the background of migration.
The MP raised the issue of S.Sargsyan’s competency, particularly regarding the fact that he was saying—numbers have decreased by 70%, but there is no any likewise figure provided by them. This question by Pashinyan instigated discontent of RPA MPs.
Karen Avagyan and Arakel Movsisyan (nicknamed Shmays) started disputation with him. Movsisyan called Pashinyan a “strapper,” “bastard,” “cheap junk.”
“You, strapper, bastard…you cheap junk,” replied to the insulting words N.Pashinyan.
A.Movsisyan was still shouting about “father’s business,” “it’s enough,” however, Eduard Sharmaznov, NA Deputy Speaker, interfered and tried to calm them down, and urged Pashinyan to ask the question and speak on the topic. He also considered noteworthy to mention, that by repeating the same thing 10 times, doesn’t increase its value.
Finally, after they calmed down, A.Hovhannisyan announced that after installation of the devices people’s alertness has risen, then the situation has changed after some time.
“70% exactly referred to crossroads, there is no any issue of competency,” the Minister announced.
By Gayane Khachatryan