TUMO Ranked Number 1 among the World’s Best Innovative Schools

Official website of Tumo Center for Creative Technologies informs that French “We Demain” newspaper made a ranking of top 10 innovative schools in the world. According to the rating scale Tumo holds the first place. Schools like AltSchool (Silicon Valley), Fuji Kindergarten (Tokyo), Steve Jobs Schools may be found in the top ten as well.
Note, Tumo Center for Creative Technologies is a free educational program, which was launched in Yerevan in 2011. From the very first day of its functioning Tumo has provided extracurricular program in the field of digital media to thousands of young people aged 12-18 years old.
Instructed by skillful pedagogues and media specialists, and having recent digital gadgets at their disposal, the learners implement their individual learning plan through the world called Tumo, a special educational platform, which prepares them for practical works.
Specialized classes, lectures and events provide learners the opportunity to apply the obtained knowledge in practice as well. Main four fields of Tumo include animation, creation of games, development of websites and creation of films. Together with educational fields, learners also get acquainted with miscellaneous skills of the 21st century, like 3D modeling, music, robotics, photography, graphic design and etc. The center has been established upon the initiative of Simonyan Educational Foundation.
Tumo Center in Gyumri was opened in May 2015, and 2 September 2015 Tumo Center was opened in the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as well. Another center is anticipated to open in Javakhk. The partnership intends to spread Tumo in other cities of Armenia, as well as beyond its borders.