
We Remember and Retreat

It’s the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide today, which, like every year, will be commemorated in a special way. Maybe not as much, as last year—on the centennial of the Genocide, however, in any case, we know how to commemorate Genocide anniversary and are able to appear as a victim with distinguished solidarity. To appear and demand. To demand and say nothing. As demanding is a passive activity, and doing something, in the long run, presupposes work of mind and brain, creativity and will, determination.

However, we are determined regarding being a victim and appearing as a one only. As to appear a winner, non-defeated and non-massacred, first and foremost, one should win, not be defeated and not be massacred. Not only physically, but, first of all—morally. However, from morality, only victory is familiar to us—the moral one, which is the same, as physical damage.

Throughout the four days in early April the Armenian society, headed by Armed Forces, showed it doesn’t intend to appear as a victim this time again, and manifested real, very physical cohesion and repelled Azerbaijani aggression. And only a few days were needed to transform that aggression into strategic and allied aggression, against which, it’s not the society that should fight, but the authorities, which, however, don’t possess enough courage and will.  As Russia, which arms Azerbaijan, needs Armenia not in the status of a winner and a dictator, but that of a victim and a beggar. As for 100 years Russia has built its regional policy on the very legend of “Russian protection” and turning Armenians into potential victims. However, throughout the last weeks, brains of the Armenian community, being washed for 100 years uninterrupted, have immediately cleared and the society ceased to believe that legend.

That’s why Russians speak of the Armenian Genocide with distinguished “compassion,” and Lavrov bows more before the wreath in Tsitsernakaberd than usual… Commemoration of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, naturally, is everybody’s duty. However, our duty should also be realization, that it’s unacceptable to build policy solely targeting at international recognition of the Genocide, that it’s inadmissible rejoicing by manifestations of Armenian Genocide speculation by others to clarify their own issues with Turkey.

The most substantive manifestation of Genocide victims commemoration is building a powerful state, with lessons learned from history, and finally, will be able to distinguish the enemy and the friend from the one who uses. Otherwise, the only occasion of consolidation and solidarity will remain April 24, slogan of which will become “We remember and retreat” in terms of constant development of present-day policy .


