
“American Entrepreneurs should Reckon the Fact that Corruption is Present in Armenia”

During the “U.S Business Briefing: Armenia” conference H.E. Richard Mills, U.S Ambassador to Armenia,  said during the last decade a number of reforms have been implemented in Armenia, giving the opportunity to make investments.

“Reforms have been carried out in the spheres of tax, customs, protection of intellectual property rights. As a result, large investments were done by American companies, including, I’d like to mention the acquisition of “Vorotan” cascade by “Contour Global” last year, which is the largest American investment in Armenia,” the Ambassador said.

According to him, the companies who are taking part in the conference have business experience in post-Soviet countries, and today they are being introduced to entrepreneurial opportunities of Armenia. “I’d like to be clear and note there are always opportunities for those American companies who come here prepared and willing to engage in entrepreneurial activities,” he added.

Referring to his past announcement, as well as PM Abrahamyan’s last week announcement on eradicating corruption, Mills said American entrepreneurs should reckon the fact that this issue is present in Armenia. The Ambassador believes American companies can prove it is possible to make successful business without corruption.

“The best way in the fight against corruption in entrepreneurial field would be having examples that it’s possible to successfully make business without corruption. American companies can serve this example. Today, experienced American companies have gathered here, to whom I can tell they have colleagues in the fields of media, Government, entrepreneurial, civil society, with whom they can work together in the fight against corruption and ensuring equal conditions,” Mills said.


