Armenia’s Border with Iran may Connect Europe to Asia: Hovik Abrahamyan

Expansion of international and multi-format cooperation of Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), closer commercial cooperation with other countries is of separate importance for the Union. Hovik Abrahamyan, RA Prime Minister, told this at the plenary session of Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. He added that international cooperation may lead EEU to a higher development level.
“Thus, from the key points of the agenda I’d like to single out the topic of China. Legal cooperation of EEU and its member countries with China will provide the opportunity not only to increase trade volume, but also to engage investments for great projects, and to diversify our logistic capabilities.
From this perspective work with Eurasian project and China, towards the initiatives of creation of economic zone of Silk Road, which will connect Europe and Asia by different routes, both though EEU member countries, including Armenia, and India, as well as Iran,” The Prime Minister said. He assured that Armenia with its historical experience and as the only EEU member country having a land border with Iran is ready to implement that project.
In his words, the issue of development of common markets in EEU is worth special attention, activity of which will provide the states the opportunity to eliminate obstacles still existent on the road of goods transfer, increase temps and volumes of economic cooperation between the states. In this context he stressed the importance of adoption of the concept on common oil market development.