Seyran Ohanyan on Provision of Armaments upon 200 million Loan Agreement and Samvel Babayan’s Return

“The Azerbaijani side should, first of all, answer for crime similar to war, terror organizations,” Seyran Ohanyan, RA Minister of Defense, told at the NA touching upon the claims of the Azerbaijani side that the Armenian side has implemented mass destruction by using weaponry.
In his words, the Armenian side, the Defense army did their best not to cause damage to the civilians, “All this is fabrication.”
Reflecting to Russian armaments to be provided pursuant 200 million loan, the Minister said works are ongoing, some part of the agreements have been concluded, “Currently groups are working on it, corresponding cooperation has been developed. Some part of these means is ready, and we are working on its quick transfer.”
Touching upon the information that Artsakhi hero Samvel Babayan is back to Armenia, and whether he can be helpful in this situation, S.Ohanyan said, “I think, each citizen of both Armenia and NKR should try to invest his/her experience and abilities for the country’s security.”
By Ani Keshishyan