NKR Defense Army is Aware of Processes within Azerbaijani Army and Controls its Possible Steps: Levon Mnatsakanyan

The Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army Command is aware of the processes which take place in Azerbaijani military and all prerequisites are in place to maintain supervision for the latter’s possible steps today and for days to come. For this goal, the engineering construction system is being constantly improved, the level of combat readiness of troops and the arsenal is being elevated, Lt. General Levon Mnatsakanyan, Commander of the Defense Army told reporters on August 11 in NKR.
The press conference was summoned to summarize the results of the first yearly educational quarter of the Army and the developments of April, as well as outlining the ongoing and further activities’ important directions. Prior to a Q&A, the Commander briefed on the general main activities in his introductory remarks, noting that the Defense Army has fulfilled its duties and realized all planned actions.
Speaking on the current situation along the frontline, Mnatsakanyan assured that the Army Command is fully aware of Azerbaijani military’s actions and all prerequisites are in place to maintain control for the possible steps of Azerbaijan today, and for days to come.
For this reason, constant improvements take place in terms of combat readiness of the troops and engineering constructions and the arsenal.
The Commander’s introductory remarks were followed by a Q&A.
Reporters were asking various questions regarding the April War, and the ongoing stage of the military. During the press conference, which in fact was the first in its format during Commander Mnatsakanyan’s tenure, Mnatsakanyan underscored the role of mass media, particularly in terms of raising awareness of processes within the Army for wider circles of the public and expressed hope that similar meetings will be continuous.