Two Steps of Armenia’s Salvation: Armexit and Russexit

Vladimir Putin mocked at Armenia by congratulating for 10% growth recorded as a result of membership to EEU, and sent his Defense Minister to Baku to discuss military-technical cooperation issues with Aliyev. Putin mocked at Armenia, however, life goes on.
In Armenia they’re led not with the dignity of giving an equal reply to mockery, but through a conviction if the mocker is Putin, then it’s not mockery, but a compliment. Like women ignored by their men accept swearing as tenderness—if he loves, he swears. And in relations with Russia in Armenia, which is in that very status, naturally they don’t think it’s not simply mockery, but expression of policy pursued with Armenia, which contains everything but respect towards a sovereign country.
They don’t think about it in Armenia, they don’t anticipate, and by not anticipating they aren’t bothered that Putin mocking at Armenia today will turn Armenia into humiliation, and humiliation to surrender—material, physical, territorial. And by not thinking and not anticipating, they didn’t realize either that Russians don’t say anything for nothing. And if they say something, then they do it. And they are sincere to that extent. They didn’t think and didn’t anticipate as they didn’t memorize the statement by RF State Duma Grizlov in Yerevan in 2004, that Armenia is Russia’s outpost in the region.
And not memorizing Grizlov’s statement, they didn’t combine it with occurrences of the 12 years following 2004, and by not combining they didn’t record that Russia is more than consistent in implementation of that statement by its official and does what has stated the official with the surname [грызть – nibble ] expressing Russia’s behavior towards Armenia.
However, it’s worth at least now memorizing Grizlov’s statement, when Putin congratulates on double digit growth of Armenia’s economy and prior to it he had managed to have tea with Aliyev and state that in Karabakh conflict there won’t be winners and losers. It’s worth memorizing and not forgetting though that this statement by Putin refers to the sides, which won and lost the 1994 war. And winner of the war was the Armenian side and Azerbaijan was the loser.
Putin states on proofreading of war results, depriving the winning side of victory, as when it’s being stated that there won’t be winners and losers, it means, subject of victory will be given to the one who was defeated.
As Armenia’s sovereignty was taken 3 September 2013, which was surrender of the last obstacle of turning Armenia into an outpost from a state to Russia. How long will this process—eliminating Armenia, as a sovereign unit—last? Is there a possibility of preventing it or everything is lost irreversibly?
Possibility, of course, is always available, even in cases when it seems that the train has left long ago. However, that possibility is being consumed with time and this is not the case of “it’s better late than never.” This may be the case of late from later, which as a measurement resembles the past. Thus, it’s already lost, like the past, the masochism in building future on which led Armenia to this condition.
Possibility, of course, is available. However, it’s not replying to Putin’s mockery by congratulating on Russia’s scientific-technical progress or three-digit growth of oil price.
Mockers of Putin and Armenia should be backed through actions. And they should be replied in a language and actions comprehensible to the world, precedent of which, by the way, quite recently the same world has given. It refers to Great Britain, Brexit, which being regretful for the Western world and the EU, however, was acceptable and clear, as it was expressing political will of the country’s citizens.
Armenia can and should initiate Armexit—Armenia’s withdrawal from EEU. It can and should seriously initiate not through a statement by a separate pseudo anti-Russian MP or a small group, but referring to it as a serious challenge that Armenia faces. Who may initiate real Armexit? Surely, not the authorities of forcedly engaging Armenia with EEU. Neither radical opposition ready to turn Armenia into Russia’s deeper outskirt, nor even and moreover, social organizations or civic initiatives containing Western expressions in their names.
Thus, if the issue isn’t that of the authorities, not of the political powers and civic initiatives, then it’s of the society, from which all the mentioned units alienated to a degree and in a way, like Armenia from sovereignty. And if sayings and proverbs on wisdom of Armenian people are correct and not imaginary, the society should be able to find people, mechanisms to bring those people to respective platforms, as it’s used to state in sayings, to stand for the country, and as enshrined in Article 1 of RA Constitution, to make Armenia a sovereign state.
P.S. Armexit may reach its purpose, if Russexit is implemented as a parallel, or at least, a following step. Armenia should withdraw from EEU, established for the propaganda of Imperial Russia, and in its turn, Russia should withdraw its military base from Armenia. And generally Russexit should be implemented in Armenia’s almost all the fields, started from state governance apparatus and political system up to people’s consciousness. Armexit and Russexit will implement the function, which should be regulated through the Law on Lustration, which out of known reasons, Armenia lacks and will lack.
By Garnik Gevorgyan