The Price for Living in Armenia

Why do people migrate from Armenia, and those, not able, intend to? This and lots of others issues don’t have grounded, professional, objective replies.
Migration hasn’t been studied scientifically, professionally, socially and economically, politically and sociologically. And as there are no surveys in Armenia, there is a widely spread opinion that people migrate mainly out of social reasons, escaping from upsetting reality, seeking for a good life. However, if it’s not a wrong opinion, at least is the one rather relatively expressing the truth, which simplifies the issues leading to the dilemma between kebab and McDonald’s.
Meanwhile not only the poor and the socially needy, but also the rich migrate from Armenia. Social issues are, in fact, veils of upsetting economic condition, by which main, more in-depth reasons are hidden. Reasons, which make pondering not only those intending to follow McDonald’s, but also those, able to bring McDonald’s to Armenia.
Actually social condition isn’t only the primary reason pushing for migration, but also one of the last ones. However, this is a rather apt and inoffensive reason for the authorities, which are even able to blame the migrants in betrayal of the motherland, substituting full life with the vision of prospering the country.
It’s a suitable reason, as it doesn’t allow thinking of other reasons, which make even the richest official think of migration. Besides, the richest official, by having everything, doesn’t have independence of making decision on his/her own life. As their over-wealthy present possibly has a very dirty criminal past, and the past of such a viewpoint has the habit of being uncovered in the future. Despite his/her location.
Thus, the rich official continues gathering wealth suffering losses, which don’t undergo measurement of US dollar and even a pound sterling. In Armenia, public, political life, moreover, state governance system has been built on invisible principle of defamation, detraction. Almost everyone defames and is being defamed, depending on social and political height.
By being defamed from the one with higher position, they defame those subordinating them and so forth. The system is such, as at large, the state is such in the family of states—the world.
To maintain the right to degrade and defame in their own country, the authorities are forced to be degraded in the north, south, east and west. The monopoly of defamer, however, belongs to the one in the north.
Degradation hierarchy functions with the principle called a transfer in psychology, i.e. the one defamed substitutes his/her defamation by degrading his/her subordinate, which again, psychologically creates the illusion of getting rid of defamation. Armenia lives in that very illusion, to which president Serzh Sargsyan once gave the name ‘lukewarm atmosphere.’
Defamation of those in the system, officials and public servants, political party and non-party members, in case of degradation of all others is more object and is expressed with more visible manifestations, than for those not in the system, the majority of the population. In case of the second one degradation is less touchable, however, possibly, more in-depth. As when a person has to choose between being full, but an RPA member, or not being full, but being a Sasna Tsur for not being considered an RPA member in the opinions and brain of thinkers, that very person is being self-defamed and self-detracted.
As he/she continues living in that very atmosphere and, on the whole, bear not such a moral label of giving tribute to the conjecture, which is an internal label, not being stuck on the forehead by anyone. However, it’s a detractive label, if a person lives not the status of one being hierarchically degraded, but with the motive of having dignity.
Abasement, lasting frequently even unconscious, generates evil, intention of revenge. Those phenomena, expressed on individual level, generate the hatred on public platform, in which we all live. The Community comprised of individuals, detracting and being detracted, make a person anti-humane, who is ready to do everything to avoid another detraction.
This circle of detraction is closed, which includes even those, who in their opinion are out of the system of both detractors and those being detracted. As even those namely out of that system have to make a choice in the mazy dilemma of growing their child a humane or an anti-humane. Make a choice, realizing that in case of becoming a humane, the child will become a victim of hatred and detraction, otherwise, he/she will have the status of ordinary high-ranking detractor (or subject to detraction). It’s a degrading choice, it’s the price, which a person pays for loving the motherland, living in it and not migrating. For not yet migrating.
By Garnik Gevorgyan