Telegram, the encrypted messaging app that launched in 2013, now has 100 million monthly active users, “Armenpress” reports. In a blog post announcing the milestone, the company said 350,000 new users are joining the service every day, and that 15 billion messages are sent on the app daily. Telegram founder Pavel Durov revealed the company’s latest figures at a keynote speech at Mobile World Congress on February 23.
Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan held a government meeting regarding the new Tax Code draft. As “Armenpress” was informed from the Information and public relations department of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, in particular, different issues applicable to various fields related to taxes were discussed. Attention was paid to the possible effects of changes in the Tax Code.
Armenak Darbinyan said that the CBA’s policy seeks to encourage, support and help the banks to attract more resources from international markets. In addition, the Central Bank’s financial education and consumer advocacy department is trying to assist consumers to better orientate among the different credit products, through the website. “Information about the credit is provided, format of working with the banks is simplified in order for the clients not only to look at the percentage of the loan, but also to choose between different banks, products, be able to plan their budgets, calculate costs and benefits, to avoid facing problems in the future,” the official added.
Azerbaijan, being under some pressure from the West, now attempts to overcome the isolation through Iran. Chair of YSU Political Institutions and Processes, political scientist Garik Keryan expressed such an opinion in an interview with “Armenpress”, referring to Aliyev’s visit to Iran.
Conservatives and Reformers are competing for 290 seats in Iran’s parliamentary elections which will take place on 26 February. Overall, more than 12 thousand citizens had submitted their candidacy, but eventually only 6 thousand 200 candidacies were approved, out of which 586 are women. As noted by expert of Iranian studies Gohar Iskandaryan at a news conference in the press hall of “Armenpress”, a heated competition is expected among Armenian candidates as well. In the beginning 9 candidates were competing over 2 seats which were foreseen for Armenian candidates, but eventually one of them withdrew.
Presidents of the United States and Russia – Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama – have reached an agreement on the cessation of hostilities in Syria, which is due to come into force at midnight on February 27 after all the parties to the conflict will sign up to it, Putin said in a statement placed on the Kremlin website, “Armenpress” reports, citing “TASS”.
He also took the oath of the Ombudsman from the tribune of the National Assembly.”By assuming the post of the Ombudsman, I hereby swear to be faithful to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and it’s laws, the principles of social coexistence and justice and to protect human rights and freedoms. I swear to fulfill my duties unbiased, honestly and diligently. “
Not steps by EU are necessary to weaken dependency from Russia, but my and your readiness to see more independent Armenia. If you want to speak of stronger positions on diplomatic platforms, it’s necessary to put up unsparing and real struggle in Armenia against corruption and injustice, as well as successfully implement amendments tended to raising public administration efficiency, rooting democracy and human rights and freedoms protection.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia welcomes the agreement reached between US and Russia on cessation of military actions in Syria.
All conflicting sides of the Syrian war continue perpetrating war crimes by blockading cities and wide-spread bombing, as well as by creating obstacles for humanitarian aid. “Armenpress” reports, the new report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syria, a body mandated by the UN Human Rights Commission, makes such conclusions.