
Prices for apartments in Yerevan have changed

Average market prices for apartments in Yerevan comprised AMD 275105 for 1m2 in November 2016. The information was provided by RA National Statistical Service.

Compared with November 2015, average prices for apartments in Yerevan have risen by AMD 645 or 0.24% per one square meter.

The most expensive are apartments in Kentron administrative district, where average price per 1m2 comprises AMD 428250. Arabkir (AMD 357350), Kanaker-Zeytun (AMD 283350) and Davitashen (AMD 277000) come after it.

Apartments are the cheapest in Nubarashen administrative district—AMD 157600 per 1m2.

It should also be stated that average prices for apartments in all administrative districts of the capital have gone up compared with November 2015. Prices for apartments in Ajapnyak have raised the most—AMD 1100.


