‘Fearless Girl’ statue will keep staring down Wall Street’s bull

The “Fearless Girl” will continue staring down Wall Street’s “Charging Bull” for at least one more year, reports BBC.
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio said the bronze, ponytailed girl “has fueled powerful conversations about women in leadership,” and the statue will remain on Department of Transportation property as a part of its art program through February 2018.
“Now, she’ll be asserting herself and affirming her strength even after her temporary permit expires — a fitting path for a girl who refuses to quit,” de Blasio said Sunday. The statue was originally permitted to stay until only April 2.
After her installation on the eve of International Women’s Day, the “Fearless Girl” has drawn widespread attention. Tourists have taken countless pictures with the girl and dressed her with both pink Pussyhats from the Women’s March to red Make American Great Again caps from President Trump’s campaign.