
Hillary Clinton to launch ‘resistance’ PAC

Hillary Clinton, reentering the political fray months after her 2016 campaign loss, will soon launch a political organization aimed at funding “resistance” groups that are standing up to US President Donald Trump, CNN reports citing sources.

Clinton, according to the sources, is currently working with former aides and donors to build an organization that will look to fund and invest in groups that have impressed her since her 2016 election loss.

Clinton identified herself as part of the so-called resistance earlier this week, and that was not in passing. The former secretary of state has been watching groups stand up to Trump from afar and is “particularly fired up,” in the words of one source, to fund these groups and broaden their reach.

“I’m now back to being an activist citizen and part of the resistance,” Clinton said in her sit-down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.


