
Yerevan Office closure is bigger blow for OSCE than Armenia: Piotr Switalski

The EU Ambassador to Armenia, Piotr Switalski, hopes the projects which the OSCE Yerevan Office had realized in Armenia will be continuous. Speaking on the closure of the Yerevan office of the OSCE, the head of the EU delegation told reporters both Armenia and the OSCE require the projects implemented by the ofce.

“I hope the projects will continue. Armenia has its need. The OSCE also needs it. Honestly saying this is perhaps a more serious blow for the OSCE than for Armenia,” Switalski said. He added that the OSCE Yerevan office was a very reliable partner for them, and reminded that they have carried out several programs jointly with the office in Armenia.

The Ambassador said he is sure the implemented projects were very useful, and had their clear contribution in the development of democratic processes in Armenia, protection of human rights and establishment of the rule of law.

“We believe the OSCE office was committed to its mandate, it carried out very useful work, proving how important the OSCE contribution is. We are sure the most important value of the OSCE is to be present on spot, and work on spot. The OSCE office in Yerevan was the best example of this with its specic and practical work, which was done on spot,” he said.

The Ambassador said he is sure that the Armenian side displayed the best example as a hosting country. According to him, Armenia demonstrated maximum cooperation, had a constructive stance.

“In many ways Armenia’s stance as a host country has been exemplary in situations when numerous countries doubt the OSCE presence in their country’s territory. Our Armenian partners have always been in favor of this,” he said.


