CB Armenia representative dismisses announcements on switching to single currency in EEU area
Head of Financial System Regulation Department at the Central Bank of Armenia Mher Abrahamyan refutes the announcements on switching to a single currency in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).
In a meeting with journalists on May 24 Mher Abrahamyan said that those announcements are so far away from the reality that they have started to take such announcements with humor. According to him, those publications have nothing to do with the reality.
“Both the high ranking EEU ofcials and the heads of the Central Banks have made numerous announcements on that issue – there is no is no issue of switching to a single currency. There is a platform where the Central Banks of the EEU member states hold regular discussions.
The heads of the Central Banks of the member states share the opinion that there is no such an issue on the agenda and cannot be”,,Abrahamyan said. He also mentioned that it’s senseless to hold discussions on switching to a single currency for at least the coming 10-15 years. According to Abrahamyan, there is no point on a single currency in any of the EEU’s public documents.