President Sargsyan comments on need to find alternative for Upper Lars road

The Goergian side is courteously fulfilling its neighbor and other commitments in trade relations with Armenia with EEU member countries, President Serzh Sargsyan said in an interview with Russia’s BFM.
“Currently Armenia doesn’t have the opportunity to establish commercial relations with EEU member countries with another way than through Georgia. Initially, people who were dealing with the formation of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union believed it to be a big obstacle. However, when they calmly analyzed the situation, they understood that this isn’t the case”, he said.
He stressed that it can only be about a technical obstacle, which however can be overcome. “Here the only obstacle, certainly is the not quite good road. I mean the mountainous road – floods, snowfalls etc. We are currently thinking about building a second road”, Sargsyan said,
The President also spoke about the need to improve the border checkpoint work in Upper Lars. “We regularly raise these issues. On one hand it is necessary to improve the work of checkpoints, on the other hand it is necessary to find alternative options for transporting products to the Russian market”, he said.