Exhibition of paintings by artist Peto started in the customer service area of Converse Bank

On February 9, an exhibition of paintings by artist Peto Poghosyan – Peto – started in the customer service area of Converse Bank’s head office, where 25 watercolor works in the genre of urban painting are displayed.
“There has been continuous exhibition of paintings at Converse Bank already for two years. During this period, we have displayed to our customers the works of both renowned artists and the students of Eurnekian school with the goal of creating comfortable service conditions for our customers and giving them the opportunity to enjoy simultaneously the contemporary Armenian art of painting”, – we were told at Converse Bank.
Within the framework of the exhibition, the art works displayed to the Bank’s customers are brought together by the love that Peto, born in Gyumri and living in Yerevan, has for the two cities of Armenia – Yerevan and Gyumri, which is why the exhibition is called “There is Love in the City”.
“Any city, including Yerevan and Gyumri, is a living creature. I love these cities with all their manifestations and try to paint them part by part – the dwellers, buildings, developments, moods – thus conveying to people my love for these cities”, – said Peto, adding that – “Converse Bank’s offer to organize the exhibition was a pleasant surprise for him since this format of “Bank-Culture” cooperation has no analogues in Armenia.”
It was also mentioned that Converse Bank intended to organize an exhibition also at one of the Bank’s branches in Gyumri, giving the population of Gyumri the opportunity to interact with Peto’s urban moods.