
Converse Bank summed up the results of Lori colors contest

Converse Bank summed up the results of Lori colors contest announced in connection with Hovhannes Tumanyan’s 150th anniversary. About 250 children under the age of 12 participated in the contest.

The 10 participants who have received the highest number of votes on Facebook contest page or the “Bank Selection” have been awarded prizes. Motivational gifts were awarded to all the participants, as well as the winners of the quiz dedicated to Hovhannes Tumanyan’s life and work.

“All pictures presented at the contest deserved the prize, both the children’s and parents’ activity were inspiring both in terms of their interest in Tumanyan’s work and in terms of the extensive coverage of subjects in contest paintings. We thank the participants for their interest and participation in the contest, “said Converse Bank, adding that some pictures will soon be displayed in the Bank.

The event dedicated to the children of Converse Bank employees on International Children’s Day was also in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Hovhannes Tumanyan. During the event, the children watched a performance based on Tumanyan’s works and participated in a thematic contest.


