
Those who blocked against His Holiness do not know that the Church is only strengthened by persecution. Armen Ashotyan

Today, traditionally, as after every court session, political prisoner, RPA vice-president Armen Ashotyan answered brief questions.

“Those who blocked the entrance to His Holiness are a far cry from Christianity, because no matter how hideous it all is, one must know that Christianity grows stronger from persecution.

Faith is strengthened by persecution, and in fact, by closing the face of His Holiness, His Holiness and the Christian Church were given even greater value,” said Armen Ashotyan, referring to the shameful fact of blocking the entrance of His Holiness to the memorial complex by police gangs on May 28 at the Sardarapat memorial complex.

As for NikolPashinyan’s description of the struggling people as “clero-feudals”, Armen Ashotyan noted that when NikolPashinyan uses that word, it proves that he has remained in Soviet historiography.

“The Soviet Union used such a word for the last time. And it is obvious that he is a neo-Bolshevik, and in fact the conniver authorities like them call the national movement clero-feudal,” he said.
The RPA vice-president also referred to the European Parliament elections to be held next week.

“I do hope that the next authorities of the European Union will not take advantage of Armenia’s insane geopolitical behavior at this moment and will be more responsible in the region. I wish success to the European People’s Party (EPP). Of course, I hope for greater solidarity and consistency,” said Armen Ashotyan.

The RPA Vice President called on the struggling citizens to continue struggling and not to give up.

Details in the video.


