Going to work with heads down, subordinating to directors, then conducting revolution from 8 to 12—this is not the way: Ruben Babayan

Interview with Ruben Babayan, Director of Yerevan State Puppet Theater after H.Tumanyan.
Mr. Babayan recently we often hear that activities of “Sasna Tsrer” have awakened the society, it has changed and etc. Do you observe that change?
I consider the society is changing as a result of education and not of some actions. The society may change in different ways, and we all want them to be qualitative. Change of the society can’t be an end in itself, like in case of a regime change. From that very perspective they were vain dreams, that something will change, as we always wait for those changes from others—we don’t want to change ourselves. I think a mess of concepts has started, when democracy is mixed with demagogy, as only in that case issues are solved by the majority. Our main claims refer to the point that we make no headway, and although it’s 21st century, we continue living with ideologies of the 20th century, and seek for a savior, a hero. In short, living by mythological motives, which have nothing to do with the real life. And as they have no connection with the real life, they lead to disappointment.
Maybe I’m mistaken, maybe people, maybe those saying that activities have awaken them, are right, maybe they were asleep. The assessment we were giving to the structure of our country, to the authorities and to educational system, condition of which is the most regretful, have remained the same.
You said that the society is changing as a result of education and you consider its condition regretful, what issues do you observe in the field of education and what solutions you may propose?
This is a complex issue. First and foremost, value of education should be raised. Bay saying value I mean, that we frequently raise the following thesis: teacher should be an authority, should be normally paid and etc., however, I don’t want to touch upon it. I mean an educated person should be in great demand in the country. Unfortunately, we first and foremost give way to “our people.” A person doesn’t see direct connection with tomorrow while getting education. We should raise value of education, so that educated people understood that by getting education they’ll be provided on our country and will have the possibility to progress; that way we’ll take the first step.
The second step is that education should definitely be eliminated from politics. What’s going on today is impermissible, as we have degraded both the school and the teacher, making them enter into any election deal.
Thirdly, education should be available to everyone: currently the best educational system is considered to be that of Finland, as there are no elitist schools there. This is a very crucial issue. Schools of a remote village and in the center of the city have the same base and teachers with the same educational level. We never know where the talent will be born.
Something very important is going on in the world, when a shift is made from subjective teaching to thematic. In the 21st century subjects, directions are no more independent, everything is in a boundary condition. A physicist can’t understand anything from chemistry and vice versa. The largest volume studied at school should be targeted, so that our brains weren’t filled with certain information, which won’t be necessary. In today’s educational system general approach is excluded, individual one is necessary. The teacher should open talent in any of them, as there aren’t non-talented people. Whole educational system should be directed to revealing individuality of that pupil or student and helping him/her find his/her place in life. Teacher’s work should be appreciated by the progress of his/her pupils.
Educational system is the circle, which constantly requires amendments. I have the impression that we live out of time. We have forgotten what time is, we recall the past with the whole nation, cite our ancestors. Life is time, if you don’t feel the time, you refuse your life, and it passes in vain. It’s very important that we were able to connect educational system with time, realize that we aren’t alone in the world, that everything is interrelated, particularly now, when even in a remote village you may be in the center of the world. Simply proper approach, methodology is necessary.
Mr. Babayan don’t you observe the part of guilt of intellectuals in this? The society perceives the intellectual as educated, developed person, and for instance, when the intellectual swears from different platforms, what should be demanded from the society? The society follows the example of such intellectuals.
A good question. I’m not the one to give lessons, moreover, those of moral, however, I consider, that, first and foremost, the intellectual is a human, living in some restrictions. Certain border can’t be surpassed: they shouldn’t offend people, swear, lie…There are some things, which aren’t allowed and that’s all.
I noticed that in our country people are afraid of public opinion. The society should also refuse you, swear. Yu should take a step forward, shouldn’t you?
If not Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei, and it would be considered that issues should be solve by the majority, we would think that the earth is flat.
What is this depressive situation of the society conditioned by? Who is guilty for that?
We’re all guilty for this depressive situation. Whatever we do, we should by all means show the light, the exit. I think, when we seek for the light outside us, we immediately bring people to rather bad condition, as when much negative examples are brought, it turns out that it’s impossible to live in an immense negative number. But we direct that glance to inside, when we say—you’re humane, you’re strong. Each person should be given strength. If you sit with hands folded, nobody will build your life for you.
When we say we are owners of this country, and then we demand that some other person came and took care of it, it’s difficult to imagine a bigger contrast than this.
Mr. Babayan you say one shouldn’t sit with hands folded, however, we have cases, when people attempt to do something, however, state support not only lacks, but there is pressure from the authorities, for instance, you see how SMEs are being dealt with?
SMEs should unite and become power, be able to finance any political party, which will advance their interests. Something interesting happened these days, rather interesting revolution was taking place in Armenia: they were going to work in the morning with heads down, subordinating to their directors, then in the evening from 8 to midnight they were conducting revolution and then going to sleep. Then in the morning they were again going to work or playing backgammons. This is not the proper way. One may reach something, when he/she fights for his/her rights every day, it doesn’t refer to protests only. We perceive fighting on a horseback and the sword in the hand, but it’s not so. The authorities should be obliged to work pursuant the laws, that the taxing body stopped its gutter policy.
Don’t you observe fear atmosphere in the country? People complain, but they’re afraid to talk to the authorities of their problems, considering they’d lose their job, the same refers to other issues as well.
I may answer for myself, I’m the director of a state theater, i.e. I’m a functionary, however, I don’t restrict myself in expressing my opinion. Maybe someone wouldn’t like my opinion, so what? I have a perfect theater, wonderful pupils, who prevents me?
Fear should be overcome from inside. Any person has a sense of fear, the point is whether you’ll be able to overcome it. Having a position is very little for a person.
I consider, the one, who wants to create, will always find a way. I have always brought the example of Parajanov: he was a free person, no matter, that attempts were made to prevent him. Even in prison, he was much freer, than many of his colleagues. We often look for reasons not to do a job. As soon as you attempt to do something, people will appear next to you.
I have a great desire, that we all lived in a normal country, but that country should be kept every day. For me change of the society is much more important, than that of any official. Finally, the society should demand the type of the authorities. Regime change is a normal phenomenon, it can’t be an end in itself. The authorities should change, what’s next? It’s important who will come next. And it seems to us that only change is enough. Change is a necessary step, but it’s not enough.
Thus, even in case of regime change, public consciousness should rise to become a normal country as you said.
Sure, so that the society introduced its claims, what kind of authorities, country it wants. We should fight against the phenomena, eliminate them, and that time people will like themselves, if that phenomenon lacks, it can’t exist. And regime change, I repeat, is necessary, natural process, like when water stops changing, it turns into a marsh. But it’s of utmost importance, that the water, which is coming, was more qualified, than the previous one, and we had connection with bringing that water, felt responsibility.
I generally consider that main purpose of elections is not having good or bad authorities, but that each person felt his/her responsibility towards the country. For instance, I vote for these authorities, if they’re bad, I’m guilty , next time I’ll think ten times more. This is the crucial idea of fair elections—make whole society owner of the country.
Can the society, taking election bribe, have the consciousness of fairness?
It’s also a matter of explanation. What does taking election bribe mean: a person takes a bribe, which is the money for 1-2 days. Thus, it should be explained to that person, that he/she may gain even more, than that money. What does 5000 drams do for 5 years? Thousand drams per year, if we divide them to days—3 drams per day? All these should be explained by examples, through those of different countries.
We generally know very little of other countries, our main information comes from our compatriots in Russia. I’ll tell something interesting: last year I took my students to Tunisia for international festival. We headed from Yerevan by a minibus, driving from Georgia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Luxemburg, then France, Czech Republic and etc. Nothing was needed to explain to them, they saw with their own eyes, compared how the policeman behaves in Georgia’s custom house (how in Armenia), they saw what’s going on in Russia (policemen at every 2 kilometers, money-taking, dirt, lines, dirty toilets and etc.) and then entered Europe. They didn’t see any policemen, 5-6 toilets in any filling station, where, as compared to Russia, they could wash their hands, and even take a shower for free. Thus, a person should compare and decide which is the country he/she wants to live in.
When is it possible to sit, speak and discuss?- When educational census of the person before you is high. And when it’s low, they’ll say I don’t have the mood to listen to your stupid words, we should cite our heroes and it’s done.
This is the very way many people say.
I don’t want to say this, I have better opinion of our society. No matter certain part of the public swore me, used threats, I consider, in any case, we deserve much more decent life.
By Razmik Martirosyan