
Europe Threatens to Armenia’s Sovereignty

“Cooperation with Armenia is much more, than simply money,” Piotr Switalski, Head of EU Delegation of Armenia, Ambassador, told this on June 4 at the briefing with reporters within Europe Day events, stressing that Armenians are an inseparable part of big European family. The Ambassador, surely, was not mentioning this for the first time. He states this on almost all occasions, which shows the much the Ambassador touches upon it the less he is understood in Armenia. Otherwise, the Ambassador shouldn’t have to repeat the same idea on all occasions.

Besides, deeper thought lies beneath this statement, than it may seem at first sight. In that statement, that one sentence, essence of Armenia’s leading system, of authorities, outlook, motivation of relations with Europe is reflected. Switalski directly states, that Armenia’s authorities observe ties with Europe as a source for money. That’s why he has to state from time to time, that the EU will suspend funding of this or that program in case of non-implementation of statements by Armenia’s authorities.

The EU Ambassador recently touches upon it more frequently reflecting to promises of representatives of Armenia’s authorities on fight against corruption. Surprisingly enough, representatives of those very authorities haven’t answered to Switalski yet, accusing him of interfering into Armenia’s domestic affairs. As it’s difficult to imagine a more object threat directed to Armenia’s ruling elite than that of being deprived of money.

In fact, ties with Europe for Armenia’s authorities, are first and foremost and maybe totally a source of money. As for Armenia’s authorities everything is a source of money—from relations with its own society to foreign policy. Money is a purpose for them, and not means. Accordingly relations with Europe are not a purpose, but a means for its chief purpose—getting more money.

For Armenia’s authorities, making statements on integration with Europe, in fact, current quality and regime of relations with Europe are ideal, when becoming a part of Europe is touched upon only on statement level, and at the same time, money is obtained from Europe to continue talking about it. And being a complete member of European family is not in line with purposes of Armenia’s ruling elite. And being a complete part of European family means living like other members of European family, by their rules.

Those rules include accountability before its own society, public control in management of public means, real fight against corruption, and the most crucial—development of power through elections. And it’s counter-indicative to Armenia’s ruling elite, purpose of which is maintenance of the present-day status quo under relations with everyone, including with Europe. Ambassador Switalski perfectly knows this, and his statement is, first and foremost, addressed to Armenia’s ruling elite.

Moreover, that statement, upon mentioning of Armenian’s becoming a member of European family, also means that one day the EU may suspend allocation of funds to Armenia’s authorities and direct them to those, who really consider themselves a full part of European family. It’s not difficult to suppose what will occur if it’s uncovered that the majority of Armenia’s society considers himself/herself like that.

In that case Europe may support not Armenia’s authorities for lack of work and lasting promises on reforms in compliance with European criteria, but the society to conform the authorities to their own aspirations. Parliamentary elections are ahead.

By Robert Ter-Sargsyan


