
Russia Continues Steps, which Led to the April War

CSTO Committee of Security Council Secretaries session was launched yesterday, which naturally, wasn’t marked with any essential initiative, document or agreement directed to raising NK security, which is under the guarantee and security of Armenia. Just the contrary, again statements were heard in Yerevan, which again prove not only non-vitality of that organization for Armenia’s security, but, particularly after the April four-day war, slightly said, contain irony towards Armenia.

In particular, Nikolay Bordyuzha, Secretary General of CSTO, touching upon armaments of Armenia’s army, stated that “Armenia may modernize its Armed Forces by purchasing armaments with preferential prices in CSTO member countries.” “Preferential agreement on military-technical cooperation in CSTO system is the major point. This means Armenia may purchase (in CSTO member countries) armaments from plant-producers with preferential prices,” said Bordyuzha, adding that “there are many working manners” for modernization of Armenian Armed Forces.

It’s difficult to imagine more cynical statement, than that of Bordyuzha. It’s more than two months that in Armenia, the authorities, the opposition, and the society discuss the issue of supply, more properly not supplying of armaments upon USD 200 million loan agreement concluded last summer, and Bordyuzha in Yerevan says that the way to modernize Armenia’s Armed Forces is the possibility of acquiring armaments by preferential prices.

However, Bordyuzha, naturally enough doesn’t reflect to the issue, that this possibility is only on paper, it doesn’t clarify why Russia, which accurately sells armaments to Azerbaijan, isn’t supplying that weaponry for already a year. Armenian officials sitting next to him with broad smiles don’t publicly ask Bordyuzha, as it was said on the highest level. It was said, however, reply wasn’t heard. Armaments haven’t been obtained as well.

And when after all this the CSTO Secretary states that “there are many working manners,” we just need to suppose that he means sabotage support by Azerbaijan, which, naturally, raises combat readiness of RA Armed Forces, thus contributing to its modernization. In fact, any CSTO event, in particular, launched in Armenia, proves that it’s artificial, fake structure, which, in practice has nothing to do with member countries, at least with Armenia’s security.

In its turn, it reveals bankruptcy of the majority of representatives of Armenia’s officials and the political field, when in reply to the question of Armenia’s withdrawal from CSTO, they state with concerned and heartbreaking expression that Armenia has no alternative to CSTO.


