Nobody Heard an Offensive Word from Me on Turkish People: Serzh Sargsyan
Serzh Sargsyan, RA president, in an interview with the Arabic “Al Mayadeen” TV stated that Pope’s visit was religious and interstate, replying to the question on Pope’s visit to Armenia,
“Vatican is the center of Catholic world, and Pope Francis is also the head of the country. He visited Armenia upon my invitation and that of Catholicos of all Armenians. The fact itself, that the Pope Francis visited Armenia this year, of course, is of utmost importance. However, essence and content rather highlight Pope’s visit. As we know he called his visit a “visit to the first Christian nation.” This is a big impetus to the Catholic world both economically, and, of course, politically. I told His Holiness, “Your Holiness, we have known ourselves for 1715 years that we are the first state in the world to adopt Christianity as a state religion, but by Your visit and the words uttered by You, the whole world learnt that we are the first Christian nation.” Pope’s visit was also important regarding his messages on peace, interreligious solidarity and serenity. I think, all the countries of our region should accept those messages and be ready to implement them.
I think, our region, being not so large, however, geographically it has essential influence on the wider region, and the conflicts and antagonisms, which exist in our region, are able to grow, escalate and become a threat for the security of Europe, for the security of Russia, and of course, for the East as well. And the efforts, exerted by Russia, the USA, the EU, represented by France, are very important efforts, and by his visit, with his messages the Pope reinforces these efforts. Pope’s visit to Armenia was a visit of peace, preaching peaceful coexistence and tolerance.”
Regarding the reflection of Turkish authorities on the word “Genocide” uttered by the Pope, RA president noted, that Turkey’s authorities reflect resentfully not only to Pope’s assessments, but to the actions of all the countries, directed to recognition of the Armenian Genocide, “There is nothing surprising.”
“Pope Francis is not among the individuals who can change their convictions under some pressure. Yet when the Pope was a religious leader in Argentina, he repeatedly uttered “Genocide,” when he has socialized with those people for decades, who survived or who are their sons.
I think the time will come, when Turks will rather calmly react to this fact, I mean, the Turkish authorities. When we look back, we’ll see that 5,7,10 years ago such reflections were quite different. 10 years ago no one could imagine that Turks could go into the streets on Istanbul or Ankara on the commemoration day of the Armenian Genocide and express solidarity with Armenians. Now all these happen and one cannot turn back to it. Time for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey will come.
Now the Turks say, the Turkish people aren’t able to commit genocide. However we don’t say, that Turkish people did it, we don’t blame Turkish people, we blame the authorities of that period, who functioned all the state apparatus towards exterminating Armenians. And now we don’t blame Turkish people either, we blame those, who deny: we condemn the denial. And nobody has ever heard from me any offensive word on Turkish people.”
Prepared by Razmik Martirosyan