Manvel Yeghiazaryan on Compromises

“If negotiations continue, they should unequivocally start from the following point: Artsakh, Qarvachar, Lachin, Zangelan are untouchable regions, they should have independent status or should become Armenia’s inseparable part, and negotiation may be launched for other territories,” Manvel Yeghiazaryan, leader of “Arabo” detachment, told reporters today. He stated if 5 regions are retreated, then we should take the territory from Nakchivan to Iran to construct a railway. “As a human, as a serviceman, and a soldier by birth, I think this way: if we withdraw those 5 regions, we need to take a flat territory up to Iran, to construct our railway,” he said.
To the question whether there is an option not to withdraw anything and come out as a winner, he said, that other variant surely exists, when you have a normal country, when you strengthen the borders, arm your people, “When Azerbaijanis forget that, like the Greeks forgot Cyprus or other taken territories, which were taken then and joined to Israel and Turkey.” In his words, the first step should be settling the country, strengthening the borders and not retreating a single mile. He stated that we need to have a strong country, so that our opinion was taken into consideration.
To the observation, that an opinion is being circulated that those regions have been liberated to withdraw for a status, Manvel Yeghiazaryan reflected that he was in the battlefield, staffs, and wasn’t in offices and didn’t hear such talks, “I didn’t hear any likewise conversations.”
By Ofelya Hovhannisyan