Authorities should Treat the Plotters the Way they Treat them. Of course, Casualties should be Excluded: Modest Kolerov

Interview with Modest Kolerov, Russian political analyst, first class advisor of Russian Federation, editor-in-chief of Russian Regnum agency.
Mr. Kolerov, upon your impression, what’s going on in Yerevan? How are recent developments perceived in Moscow?
The occurrence is the issue of Yerevan. I may only say, that in my modest opinion, a terror act was initiated in Yerevan’s center, a planned act against the Police. The plotters were inspired by the developments in Turkey, this was the reason that qualification “military coup” was given to this terror in case, when, in fact it wasn’t an attempted military coup, but a terror act. They were inspired that they can record success through terror acts. In my conviction this is a direct threat to NK conflict peaceful settlement process, situation on the contact line, as well as the process of Artsakh’s self-determination. I simply hope, they won’t be essential.
Some experts consider the occurrences in Nice, Turkey and Armenia are not accidental. Of course, this may seem a theory of conspiracy to some people, however, they exist. What do you think of this?
Yes, such viewpoint exists. It exists in one of analytical articles of Regnum as well. However, these are standpoints, experts may observe such liaison. But there are no facts, are they? They’re linked to one another. We may only anticipate and we can’t insist.
Some observe a Russian track, and some—Western, in the activities of Jirair Sefilian and his supporters, some consider this to be an expression of internal issues. What do you think?
You know, every track may be observed, however, there are no facts, that there are external tracks in this activities. It may be and it may not.
In Your opinion, what should the authorities do in this situation?
I consider, the authorities should treat the terrorists the way they treat them, of course, casualties should be excluded. A complicated situation has established, it shouldn’t be allowed that these occurrences left their track on NK conflict.
By Araks Martirosyan