Artsvik Minasyan on the Armed Attack Situation in Yerevan

“Naturally, the discharge of the situation requires tolerance, and the gunmen should understand that the Constitutional norm must be in force in the Republic of Armenia,” Artsvik Minasyan, RA Minister of Economy said touching upon the recent developments.
He said the intolerance reached to the point in our society that people think they can solve political issues with such measures. “Even if we think this is a political issue, it is obvious that this is not the way to solve it,” Artsvik Minasyan said.
To the question whether he considers the gunmen terrorists or rebels, the Minister said, “I can judge based on the actions that are described at this moment. There is at least “take hostage” expression in the Criminal Code which is not being rejected by any side, as for the other perceptions, it will be discussed soon.” Referring to the police actions he highly appreciated the high-level of tolerance which is being demonstrated.
“The examinations of the Human Rights Defender’s Office can reveal unlawful behavior and inadequate displays in individual cases, but I want to call you to preach tolerance among the public. Speak about the violations of all people’s rights,” Artsvik Minasyan said.