In Armenia, problems will not be solved through violence, attacks, or hostage taking: Serzh Sargsyan

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan conducted a meeting with the participation of the Heads of the National Security Service, Police, Prosecutor’s Office and investigative bodies. The President of Armenia was reported on the details of the July 17 armed attack on the police station and subsequent events, as well as on the results of the taken steps.
The President was also reported that there are taking place active negotiations on the release of the hostages taken at the police station, disarmament and surrender of the members of the armed group to the authorities as well as other necessary measures impelled by the situation.
The President of Armenia underlined that to achieve a peaceful resolution to the existing standoff, it is necessary to take all available means; it is important to conduct a comprehensive and unbiased investigation of all alleged violations of the law as well as to ensure inevitability of punishment for the culprits. After the meeting, the Heads of the law enforcement bodies were given follow-on instructions.
“Before starting our meeting, let’s us state once again that nowadays our country is going through difficult and trying times. At the moment, I will not of course speak about the causes. It’s not the time. I will only say that we all must draw lessons. I once again express my condolences to the family and friends of the fallen Arthur Vanoyan. We own him. We have to do everything to settle this complicated situation and allow no repetition of that tragedy.
In the core of the situation there is the most dangerous tendency existing in our reality – to solve problems through violence and use of force. Further maturing of that tendency is pregnant with very perilous consequences – first of all for our country and for our statehood.
In Armenia, problems will not be solved through violence, attacks, or hostage taking. We will not allow that. The resolution of this standoff will become the most serious test for Armenia, for our society and the maturity of our state. I urge the armed people, who have occupied the territory of the police headquarters, to show restraint and not endanger the lives of others with their reckless moves. Hostages must be released.
The armed group must surrender their weapons.
The further resolution will be carried out in strict adherence to the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia.
All attempts of personal revenge will be stopped by the force of law.
Yes, there are discontent individuals in Armenia. But make no mistake and think not that anyone will be allowed to use a pretext or a cause to undermine the foundations of our statehood. I urge all members of our society to exercise their political and civil rights exclusively through peaceful means, in the framework of the law. I also urge pay no tribute to the proposals and ideas of those who call for extreme measures and make provocations. It may lead to new, grave human losses.
I appeal to everyone to realize the real danger of these provocations and extremist steps.
I task you – the Heads of the law enforcement bodies, to continue to carry out your duties with the utmost restraint, in the framework of the law.
We continue to take all necessary steps to get to a final and peaceful resolution of this standoff.
I once again urge the armed group to immediately give up their weapons. We have been and we will be patient; life and health of every citizen of our country is precious to us. In this situation, we have not taken the “traditional” route. We have given the armed group an opportunity to take a step back. I hope they will come to senses. However we will not allow to make our entire society a hostage of this tense situation.
I believe this is going on longer than we can allow. Not much time passed since April, and our society cannot allow the luxury of forgetting those events. I once again appeal to everybody’s awareness and restraint for the benefit of the Republic of Armenia, for the future of our nation,” said President Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting.