Judge for Yourself: Levon Ter-Petrosyan on the Police Station Ambush

First President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan presented his point of view on the Police station ambush in Yerevan.
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Any state, nation or society, with its various internal discordances and contradictions, while facing external challenges, threatening to the country, puts everything aside for a while and unitedly confronts those challenges.
After the April four-day war Armenian people face such a challenge—provision of security of Artsakhi people and the priority of successful settlement of Karabakh conflict, which, by its importance shadows all other issues concerning Armenians.
Accordingly, any step, word or activity by the leadership, political parties, NGOs, analysts, journalists should be assessed exclusively from the perspective of contributing to or damaging the issue.
For not being accused of expressing abstract ideas I should state the following three events recorded recently in Karabakh and in Armenia:
1.“Samvel Babayan”—provocateur operation implemented by some irresponsible political strategists, which caused unnecessary unrest in Karabakh,
2.The militant forum held in Shushi with the participation of about two dozens of analysts, politicians and former high-ranking diplomats, usefulness of which wouldn’t be suspicious, if right after the meeting those super patriot participants immediately put on camouflages and positioned in Talish.
3.And finally, the Police station ambush and overstrung situation established in Yerevan as a result.
I don’t want to provide enlarged assessments on the mentioned developments and exert my opinion to the society. Any person, on account of the abovementioned leading issue, should judge for himself/herself:
a.to which extent do they contribute or prevent provision of the security of Artsakhi people and to successful settlement of Karabakh conflict?
b.to which extent do positions of Armenian diplomacy strengthen or weaken in ongoing negotiations devoted to that issue.
Not to leave the impression, that I avoid giving a reply to the concrete question, let me say, that
–Currently there is no point in analyzing the reasons which led to similar extreme measure, which is an armed ambush against a state agency.
–Analyses and lessons must be learned after resolving the very dangerous situation. Currently they will only aggravate and further complicate the situation.
–Naturally, new bloodshed must be avoided in every possible way and the issue must be solved through negotiations, no matter how difficult they are.
–There is no point in reading moral-advisory and patriotism lectures to Zhirayr Sefilian and his associates. Their patriotism has no need to be proved. They proved it on the battlefield by selflessly and voluntarily fighting in the Artsakh.
–As much as he seems to be fiery and radical, I have been convinced through interactions with him that Zhirayr Sefilian is able to make reasonable decisions during moments of crisis. I want to express hope that this ability won’t betray him this time as well, and he will value the destiny of Karabakh and Armenia above all.
Source: ilur.am